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Welcome to the Chamblin Bookmine YA Book Club

Discover Your Next Favorite Read With Us!

Welcome to the Chamblin Bookmine YA Book Club, a vibrant community where young adult book lovers come together to explore captivating stories and share their reading experiences. Join us in the adventure of literary discovery and let's dive into the pages of our favorite books together!

Our Current Read!

Our Book Club Ratings!

At our book club we have a rating system and we rank our books based on them! After we finish every book, we vote on what their rating would be and what rank we would place them on our top ten list! 

Rating System:

  • 1-2 Stars: Book was not the greatest, could have used some work on pacing, world building, or character development. Was not for us.

  • 3-4 Stars: Book was good but not great. Not one of a kind! Would be a great one time read, not a repeat reader.

  • 5 Stars: These are repeat reads for sure! One of a kind books that make you want to fill the void! World building was phenomenal, every character was thoroughly built upon, and pacing was just right! These are our 10/10 books! 


Ready to pick our next literary adventure? Fill out our short form! Don't want these picks? Make your suggestions on our form!

"“You—you were like me. You were a child. A normal child. And that was taken from you.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Well, it certainly makes you harder to hate.”

- An Ember in the Ashes, Sabah Tahir

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